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Marble Surface

OUr Mission

"More stories, more wonder! "


RPX Media Production 致力于原创性和想象力以及卓越的标准。我们制作各种类型的发人深省的电影和图画小说,给我们的观众带来挑战、敬畏、兴奋和激动。我们的电影和图画小说提供用缓刑丝带包裹的讲故事的礼物,因此我们的口号是:





Our stories and creative teams alike are filled with the highest-calibre professionals in their respective fields. From gaffer to illustrator, we take pride in and value the expertise of each member. 


Our compelling stories invite our audience to not only gaze into a book or screen but to also gaze within. We offer both an emotional and intellectual experience that thrills our audience. We challenge viewers  to consider the allegorical and social commentary behind each moment. 


We're dedicated to bringing diversity to the world through our cast, crew and characters. We draw inspiration from real-world influences while amplifying the rich voices and culture of various communities, regardless of however fantastical the setting. 


From our stories to our merchandise--everything that we produce is made with pain-staking care, empathy and pride. We're dedicated to producing films, manga and even merchandise that brings our supporters joy! 

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